Freedom on Passover

Freedom on Passover  Introduction In this lesson, students will explore the meaning of freedom and will reflect on slavery and freedom in the lives of the Refuseniks and in their own lives.  Learning Objectives Students will: Understand the true meaning of freedom...

Profiles on Courage Research Project

Profiles on Courage  Introduction Students will research different personalities from the Soviet Jewry movement. They will determine what motivated them, what happened to them during and after the movement ended.  Learning Objectives At the end of the...

Putting It into Action

Putting It Into Action  Introduction This lesson introduces students to the idea of social action and prompts them to find their own form of activism. The students who formed the organization The Student Struggle for Soviet Jewry saw a problem:  people were being...

Need for a Jewish State – A Rosh Hashanah Lesson

Need for a Jewish State - Rosh Hashana  Introduction The Soviet Union forbade any unique religious ritual from 1917 onward. By the time the state of Israel was declared in 1948, the Soviet media and leaders thought that Jews would not feel a connection to the Jewish...

Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Day  Introduction Martin Luther King, Jr. is well known as a great civil rights leader birthday, with his birthday celebrated each year because he actually changed the world. But, how is he connected to the Refusenik movement? In this lesson,...
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