Calculated Discussion: Permission to leave paradise

 Introduction The Soviet government stated that they let Jews out without any problem, though the statistics make clear that this was a lie. In the year 1968, only 379 Jews were issued visas to leave the USSR. But how many Jews were in the USSR at that time? How many...

Women of the Refuseniks – video & discussion

Women of the Refuseniks - video & discussion  Introduction This lesson for middle school and high school students addresses the role of the women who stood up in defense of Soviet Jews and those women who were denied the right to leave the USSR. Original lesson plan...

Library Research Project

Library Research Project  Lesson Goals The goal of this lesson is to teach students how to do independent research in their school or local library. Students will identify at least 3 articles (primary sources) from the period of the Refuseniks that discuss a topic of...

Present, Protest, & Inspire

 Introduction In this lesson plan, student groups imagine that they are advocating for Soviet Jews. Each group will learn about a different Refusenik, and then create a clear advocacy to bring public attention to their Refusenik’s case. Students can utilize different...

Bring Refuseniks or Activists to Class (or on zoom)

Bring Refuseniks or Activists to Class  Introduction Hear the stories from the source! Invite local Prisoners of Zion, Refuseniks, and Human Rights activist to come and lecture and make history come alive! To search for an available Lecturers near you, or to...
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